Trinity Methodist Church
DY10 2JL
Built in the 1970s Trinity Church Centre was the coming together of three long-standing local Methodist Churches. It occupies an elevated position adjacent to the Kidderminster ring road, adjoining the parish church of St Mary and All Souls. There is a formal Local Ecumenical Partnership with St Mary's. The Church Centre includes a large hall and a number of other meeting rooms as well as a large dedicated car park. The Church Centre is well-used by a variety of local organisations with a weekly footfall in excess of 700.
Sunday services are held at 10.30am, and at 6.30pm.
Cafe Worship services take place at the evening service once a month.
Occasional Healing, Taize and Circuit Praise services are also held in the evening services.
Contact: Rev'd Nick Collison
01562 823300
Custodian / Bookings: 07580 009755